Idalis Marie Garcia
4 min readMay 23, 2024

Chapter 7: The Awakening

The rain continued to pour, casting an ethereal glow over Phuket. Bella Nipada, now a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency and cybersecurity world, stood at the precipice of her destiny. She was not alone in her journey; new allies and adversaries emerged from the shadows, each playing a crucial role in the unfolding saga.


  1. Akira — Inspired by the protagonist of Halo Infinite, Akira is a former Spartan warrior turned private security consultant. With a mysterious past and unmatched combat skills, Akira becomes Bella’s protector and confidant, helping her navigate the treacherous waters of corporate espionage and cyber warfare.
  2. Evelyn — Drawing parallels from Black Mirror, Evelyn is a brilliant but morally ambiguous AI developer. She specializes in creating sophisticated AI systems capable of controlling infrastructure. Evelyn’s expertise in AI makes her both a valuable ally and a potential threat to Bella’s plans.
  3. Gabriel — Reflecting the character of Elliot from Mr. Robot, Gabriel is a cyber-genius with a troubled past. As a former hacker who now works for Delphi Digital, he becomes instrumental in exposing corruption and assisting Bella in her quest for justice.
  4. Marcus — Inspired by Master Chief from Halo 3, Marcus is a retired military officer and strategic mastermind. He joins Bella’s inner circle, providing military insights and helping her plan large-scale operations across Southeast Asia.

Chapter 8: The Plan

Bella’s mind raced with ideas, each one more ambitious than the last. The betrayal she faced had only strengthened her resolve to revolutionize the digital and physical landscapes of Southeast Asia.

Business Ventures:

  • Opening a Club/Bar in Patong: Despite her personal aversion to Patong, Bella knew it was a hotspot for foreign tourists. With Akira’s security expertise and Evelyn’s AI-driven marketing strategies, they planned to create the most exclusive club in Phuket, attracting high-profile clientele and generating substantial revenue.
  • Traffic Control Device: Inspired by Evelyn’s AI capabilities, Bella envisioned a device that could control all traffic lights in Thailand. If successful, this technology could be expanded to the rest of Southeast Asia, revolutionizing urban traffic management and safety.
  • Increasing Shares: Bella aimed to own a larger percentage of shares in her company, a total of 40,000 shares. She sought to balance fairness with her parents while securing additional funds to reinvest in new ventures.

Chapter 9: Bridging Worlds

Bella’s ambitions extended beyond business. She sought to merge her life in Thailand with her life in the United States, a feat no foreigner had achieved before. This required strategic planning and leveraging her military background and connections.

  • Meeting Father’s Boss, the Captain: Upon returning to Phuket, Bella planned to meet her father’s boss, a high-ranking officer. This connection would be pivotal in securing support for her ventures and ensuring her family’s safety and prosperity.
  • Translating Police Manuals: Bella dedicated time to translating the Royal Thai Police people’s manual and the competitive test exam, fostering better understanding and cooperation between Thai and foreign law enforcement.

Chapter 10: The Vision

Bella’s vision extended to luxury real estate and tourism. She planned to buy luxury villas and a beautiful house for her parents, symbolizing her success and gratitude. Her ultimate goal was to bring the worlds of Thailand and the United States together.

  • Investing in Malaysia: Bella’s successful time in Malaysia had bridged gaps between her country and the Malaysian government. She planned to invest in their military and police, establishing businesses that would turn Malaysia into a new tourist hotspot, especially once the King of Thailand banned cannabis.
  • Special Police Honor: Working with the special police, Bella treated this as an honor. She aimed to revolutionize not just Thailand but other countries in Southeast Asia, establishing a multinational company with her family’s guidance.

Chapter 11: The Cyber-Political Arena

With the acquisition of the Special Royal Thai Police Computer, Bella aimed to increase their power and status through good deeds. She planned to make connections within GITSDA, gaining access to resources and equipment that controlled satellites in Thailand.

New Alliances and Betrayals:

As Bella’s power grew, so did the complexity of her relationships. Gabriel’s troubled past and Evelyn’s ambiguous morality posed constant challenges. Akira’s loyalty was tested by hidden enemies, and Marcus’s strategic prowess was crucial in countering emerging threats.

Chapter 12: The Climax

Bella’s journey was far from over. The final chapters of her story would be marked by high-stakes battles, both digital and physical. Her plans for multi-national expansion and technological domination would bring her face-to-face with formidable foes and test her alliances to the breaking point.

The Legacy:

Bella Nipada’s legacy was one of resilience, innovation, and strategic brilliance. Her story was a testament to the power of vision and determination, a tale of love, betrayal, and ultimate triumph. As the rain began to subside, Bella looked towards the future with unwavering confidence, ready to shape the world in her image.



Idalis Marie Garcia

👋 Hi there! I'm Idalis Marie Garcia, a passionate and innovative leader in the fields of cryptocurrency and cybersecurity (CEO of Crypto Justice Division)